V sredo, 10.5.2017, ob 16ih vljudno vabimo na predavanje izr. prof. Ivana Štajduharja (Department of Computer Engineering, University of Rijeka – Faculty of Engineering) z naslovom Artificial Intelligence in Medicine. Predavanje bo potekalo v predavalnici F2 v prvem nadstropju stavbe za fiziko, Jadranska 19, Ljubljana.
Artificial Intelligence in Medicine
Would it be possible to supersede physicians with computers, to some extent, at least? The idea of computer-aided diagnosis in diagnosing and treating illnesses has been around from nineteen-eighties. It was then that scientists discovered that, by applying statistical algorithms on real-world patient data, using so-called machine learning, one can establish useful (almost-)out-of-the-box mathematical models that perform well at describing some problems. In the last decade, significant increases occurred worldwide in the level of informatics-readiness of clinical centres, in the availability of standardised technology for data exchange and storage, and in the abundance of quality medical radiology techniques. This, in turn, resulted in an explosion in the availability of voluminous data, enabling further advances in the field of computer-aided diagnosis and treatment. In this lecture, in addition to some fundamentals related to the field, several topics concerning medical image analysis will be discussed: learning predictive models for diagnosing knee injury, data preprocessing for reducing model complexity and transfer learning in medical radiology domain (“RadiologyNet”, a research project conducted in collaboration with the Clinical Hospital Centre Rijeka, Croatia).