Quantitative imaging biomarkers of neurodegenerative brain disorders
We found that Parkinson’s disease-related pattern (PDRP) can differentiate well between patients with Parkinson’s disease, healthy volunteers, and patients with atypical parkinsonian syndromes. We have shown that PDRP was highly reproducible across different image reconstruction algorithms, contributing to the broader use of such biomarkers. In dementia with Lewy bodies, we identified brain regions whose impairment contributes to clinical features [5881260]. We explored the role of genetics in the dopaminergic treatment of Parkinson’s disease (PD). We found out that inflammation and oxidative stress gene variabilities do not play a significant role in the occurrence of PD and the adverse events to such treatment. In a study of the quality-of-life outcomes in Parkinson’s disease patients undergoing different therapies, we identified distinct effect profiles of bilateral subthalamic stimulation, apomorphine, and intrajejunal levodopa infusion. We highlighted the importance of holistic symptoms assessments to personalize the treatment choices. We participated in international initiatives aimed at developing biomarkers of neurodegenerative brain disorders (IAEA CR E13043, DUOGLOBE grants). We have established the importance of harmonizing FDG PET brain imaging in neurology, specifically for Parkinson’s disease (PETMETPAT, JPCOFUND_FP-940-010 grants).