Medical Physics Research Program

Medical Physics Research Program is structured around three key challenges, which also represent the following programmatic pillars:
1. Imaging
Imaging contributes to the science of quantitative imaging by developing new technologies that improve the quantitative accuracy of molecular imaging (advanced PET detectors, advanced optical imaging systems, quantitative imaging biomarkers).

2. Therapy
The main goal of the field is to develop personalized approaches of treatment with use of improved tissue and tumor models in oncology (personalized radiotherapy, personalized therapy of advanced cancers) and neurology (personalized management of neurocognitive brain disorders).

3. Modeling
Modeling advances the science of physical modeling of complex biological systems by development of improved models of normal and diseased tissue (optical and thermal transport, tumor growth and response to therapies).

We have assembled a unique interdisciplinary medical physics research team, that includes members from the major Slovenian university (University of Ljubljana), the major research institute (Jožef Stefan Institute), the comprehensive cancer center (Institute of Oncology Ljubljana) and the main tertiary hospital (University Medical Centre Ljubljana). As such the medical physics research program provides unique multidisciplinary platform for:
- Translation of fundamental physics research into clinical practice,
- Translation of cutting edge medical technologies from academia to commercialization,
- Support to university-level education in Medical Physics in Slovenia.