Masters defense – Katja Strašek, Lana Kralj, Matic Orehar

On Wednesday, 8 September 2021, the future young researcher Katja Strašek completed her Master’s degree in Medical Physics with the defense of her Master’s thesis entitled “Identification and quantification of sources of variability in measurements of left ventricle strain with ultrasound method STE“.

Lana Kralj successfully completed her studies in physics on Thursday, 9 September 2021. She defended her thesis entitled “Quantification of variability sources and evaluation of myocarditis extent from MRI LGE images” and obtained her Master’s degree in Medical Physics.

On Friday, 10 September 2021, future young researcher Matic Orehar obtained the Master’s degree of Medical Physics by defending his thesis entitled: “Evaluation of discrepancies between registration methods of CT and CBCT images for the propagation of contours in adaptive proton therapy”.
