In April and May 2021, the first national competition in the development of new analytical methods in medicine – called Ris – was organised by the Slovenian Mathematicians, Physicists and Astronomers Association (DMFA) and the Medical Physics Research Group. 15 teams with a total of 35 competitors entered the competition, which was held in two rounds. In the spirit of the times, the contestants faced a challenge on the diagnosis and prognosis of COVID-19 infection. The contestants had to develop an algorithm that would predict the extent of COVID-19 infection in the lungs as reliably as possible from chest CT scans. The best results in the first round were achieved by LaST, NightFoxes, OMA, Yugo, Kolovratezi, and Vrtoglavasirafa, while the winning algorithm in the second round was created by LaST. The first Ris National Competition was overall a great success, with excellent participation and interest from the competitors.