Members of the medical physics research group were participating at the 17th International Workshop on Breast Imaging at University of Chicago. We were presenting papers and were involved in scientific discussion during serious and less serious events related to the workshop. The participation was extended with a brief visit to University of Madison, Wisconsin where we have strengthened the international collaboration.
Chicago visit portrait. From left: Robert Jeraj, University of Wisconsin and Faculty of mathematics and physics, University of Ljubljana, Andrej Studen, Faculty of mathematics and physics, University of Ljubljana, Yao-Kuan Wang, UZ Leuven, Žan Klaneček, Faculty of mathematics and physics, University of Ljubljana.
Enjoying the welcome reception at 17th International Workshop on Breast Imaging at University of Chicago. From left: Robert Jeraj, University of Wisconsin and Faculty of mathematics and physics, University of Ljubljana. Olivera Ciraj Bjelac, IAEA Vienna.
Congratulations after a well executed presentation at the 17th International Workshop on Breast Imaging at University of Chicago. From left: Žan Klaneček, Faculty of mathematics and physics, University of Ljubljana, Yao-Kuan Wang, UZ Leuven.